Welcome to the Huang Lab
We are a lab working on epigenetics: the software that fine-tunes the human genome
A cover story highlighted by Physiological Reviews
A comprehensive review contributed by the Huang lab is featured as a cover story with Physiological Reviews. Optophysiology combines biophotonics, genetics, and physiology to enable physiologists to precisely control protein activity, cellular function, and cell-to-cell communications with a simple flash of light. This bioengineering approach shows great promise in facilitating the mechanistic dissection of physiological processes and the development of precision medicine.A cover story highlighted by Physiological Reviews
A comprehensive review contributed by the Huang lab is featured as a cover story with Physiological Reviews. Optophysiology combines biophotonics, genetics, and physiology to enable physiologists to precisely control protein activity, cellular function, and cell-to-cell communications with a simple flash of light. This bioengineering approach shows great promise in facilitating the mechanistic dissection of physiological processes and the development of precision medicine.a covery story featured by Trends in Genetics
The 2022 December issue of Trends in Genetics highlights our summary on applying optogenetic approaches to control gene expression and transcriptional programming.Cover story in Seminars in Cancer Biology
A manuscript by Dr. Lei Guo from the Huang Lab was featured on the cover of the 2022 December issue of Seminars in Cancer Biology. Targeting epigenetic reprogramming or plasticity represents a new strategy to prevent the emergence of drug-refractory populations and to enable more consistent clinical response.
The Huang Lab has published 100+ papers with 10,000+citations in premier peer-reviewed journals
Congratulations to Maryn Cavalier and Ashley Suris for passing their qualifying exams
Welcome Zhanghanwen Qin from UH Computer Science and Andy Feng from UT Austin Biology as summer intern students
05/2024 - group newsCongratulations to Dr. Yuhan Yang for her graduation ceremony.
04/2024 - group newsLogan Rivera and Jimmy Wengler join the lab as graduate students.
04/2024 - award news
Congratulations to Maryn Cavalier and Yuhan Yang for receiving the second place award for an oral presentation in the graduate student group at the Graduate student organization symposium.
Congratulations to Ashley Suris for receiving the third place award for an oral presentation in the graduate student group at the Graduate student organization symposium.
03/2024 - group news
Yuhan Yang successfully passes her PhD defense.
11/2023 - research news
"TET2 modulates spatial relocalization of heterochromatin in aged hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells" is published by Nature Aging and highlighted by the journal's news & views section here
09/2023 - research news
"Optogenetic engineering of STING signaling allows remote immunomodulation to enhance cancer immunotherapy" is published by Nature Communications
04/2023 - award news
Congratulations to Dr. Tingting Hong for receiving the BEST oral presentation in postdoc group in Graduate student organization symposium.
Congratulations to Maryn Cavalier for receiving the BEST oral presentation in graduate stduent group in Graduate student organization symposium.
Congratulations to Dr. Shaohai Fang for receiving the BEST poster presentation in postdoc group in Graduate student organization symposium.
01/2023 - grant news The Huang lab received one R35 grant from NLHBI and one R01 grant from NIDDK to study epigenetics in heart and mammalian cells.
01/2023 - research newsAn invited manuscript, entitled "Remoted control of cellular immunotherapy" was accepted by Nature Reviews Bioengineering.
01/2023 - research newsAn invited manuscript, entitled "Remoted control of cellular immunotherapy" was accepted by Nature Reviews Bioengineering.
12/2022 - research newsA review article, entitled "Optogenetics for transcriptional programming and genetic engineering", from the Huang lab is highilghted as a covery artcile by Trends in Genetics.
10/2022 - award news
Congratulations to Dr. Shaohai Fang for receiving a CRPIT-sponsored Cancer Therapeutic Training Program (CTTP) Fellowship.
10/2022 - research news
A review article, entitled "Optophysiology: illuminating cell physiology with optogenetics", was featured as a cover article by Physiological Reviews.
09/2022 - award newsCongratulations to graduate student Yuhan Yang for receiving the graduate student travel award From IBT-TAMU and presented her research in Keystone symposium.
08/2022 - award news
Congratulations to Ashley Suris for receiving the First place winner of Hamill Summer Research Program.
05/2022 - grant newsA joint P01 grant to study clonal hematopoiesis with Huang lab as a team member was funed by NCI.
05/2022 - award news TAMEST is pleased to announce Yun Nancy Huang as the recipient of the inaugural Mary Beth Maddox Award and Lectureship. This award recognizes women scientists in Texas bringing new ideas and innovations to the fight against cancer.
12/2021 - research news
The Huang lab publisehd 4 original research articles in Nature Communications, Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Nanotechnology, and Cancer Research.
09/2021 - award newsCongratulations to graduate student Yuhan Yang for receiving the graduate student travel award from IBT-TAMU.
06/2021 - grant news
The Huang lab received an R01 grant from NCI to study pathogenic mechanims underlying T cell lymphoma.
12/2020 - research news
The Huang lab publisehd 4 original research articles in Nature Communications (x2), Advanced Science, and Science Advances.
12/2022 - award newsCongratulations to Dr. Tingting Hong for receiving the The Abstract Achievement Award from the 62th American Hematology Society Annual Meeting.